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Committee Meeting

5 March 2022

This meeting was held at the Briar Rose, Birmingham (Wetherspoon), on Saturday, 5 March 2022. Apologies were received from Dave Goodwin, Sean Murphy, Chris Excell, and Ann Mace. Also present were Paul Horrocks (Allens) and Nick Metcalfe (Co. Sec).

Minutes of the previous meeting were approved, but with clarification requested of the terms of the proposed ad spend with CAMRA.

Representatives from Windsor and Eton Brewery presented to the Committee on their brewery’s history, its cask credentials, and plans/ambitions for the future.

Admin matters discussed included declining member numbers (58 year-to-date) and possible write-offs of nominal holdings held by non-contactable members etc.

Shares in Wadworth and Hydes had been offered at auction ‘between meetings’ with majority ‘no’ votes received in all instances. Committee members encouraged to redouble their efforts to actually cast their votes on such occasions!

Serious progress now being made towards June’s AGM – Peter Darby confirmed as speaker and a £2/head increase in attendee cost debated and agreed to.

A paper had been pre-circulated on 2022 brewery trips, in particular Holts, Shepherd Neame, Fullers, Black Sheep, and Adnams. Although member take-up is perhaps lower than previously, these remain popular, and feedback indicates they are well received. Russia’s recent invasion of Ukraine now casting serious doubt on the Finland/Estonia trip for the foreseeable.

Investee AGMs and other corporate activity noted and debated. In particular, Bedlam will receive some further, albeit limited, support.

As for new investment, majority view was that none should be made at this point in time.