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Committee Meeting

10 April 2021

This meeting was held via Zoom on Saturday, 10 April 2021. Apologies were received from John Westlake and Ann Mace. Also present were Martin Hilton (Allen’s) and Nick Metcalfe (Co. Sec.).

Minutes of the previous Zoom meeting were approved, and previous Action Points agreed as having been dealt with.

‘Investment’ was dealt with first – with little in the way of funds available to invest (excluding the buffer), a unanimous decision was quickly reached to make no investment at all this month.

A report-back of the James Sharp investment valuation meeting was provided – all non-listed valuations agreed, and various service/admin matters also dealt with.

It was noted that no ‘trimming’ of M&B holding had been considered appropriate – see last Action Points.

Hadfields, CMIC’s reporting accountants, visit to Stockport to verify/agree the year end accounts had resulted in no changes being made to any of the figures previously presented to the Committee.

March’s Club Matters, including Chairman’s year-end report etc, had been successfully compiled, now with printers and to be distributed to full membership next week.

AGM at Beeston still considered to be on-track; social distancing regime will hopefully be a thing of the past by 17 July, so no need yet to consider limiting the number of attendees beyond normal capacity.

Website matters – Committee should review, and if necessary, update their biopics; the recent small brewers funding petition, to be uploaded for the benefit of CMIC members who might otherwise have missed it; some unauthorised wording to be removed.

Attempts to stimulate and further develop the cause of a ‘pub/brewer recovery fund’ still drawing a blank – there is currently nobody in the marketplace, it seems, interested in such a proposition.

Agreed that no attempts would be made to try to arrange any UK brewery visits for the remainder of 2021. Some possible for next year discussed.

Customary round-the-table discussion about recent press announcements and other developments affecting investees.

Dates and times of future meetings confirmed through to December 2021.