Minutes of the AGM held at The Victoria Hotel, Beeston, on Saturday 28 August 2021, as approved by the Committee on the 9 October 2021, and subject to approval by the Members at the 2022 AGM.
Present: 76 Club Members; the Committee (10 of 12, with appropriate apologies); Allens, the Club administrators; Hadfields, the Club’s independent examiner/reporting accountants; the Company Secretary.
1) Chairman’s welcome – The Chairman briefly summarised the position the Committee had found itself in over the pandemic, both in terms of investing members’ funds and administratively. Thankfully, the Club had held up – withdrawals had been low and membership numbers had actually risen slightly. The imminent ending of furlough arrangements would, however, represent a further challenge to stability in our industry as well as elsewhere, and the consequences could not be known. Apologies that the enforced rescheduling of the AGM had resulted in there being no guest speaker this year; normal service would, hopefully, be resumed in 2022. With lunch now to be served at 13-00hrs, the Chairman suggested a slight revision to the agenda running order, thus…
2) Members’ questions and observations – No written questions had been received prior to the meeting and there were none from the floor either. Neil Kellett asked the members to remember two club stalwarts, Clive Poge and Dave Smith, who had sadly passed since the last AGM, as well as others known to have been adversely affected by Covid.
3) Approval of minutes of 2020 AGM – These were approved and seconded from the floor. Also from the floor, the Chairman and wider Committee were thanked for their efforts in successfully navigating the Club through the Covid pandemic.
4) Election of Committee 2021–2022 – There being no new nominations, the re-election of the four retiring Committee members was proposed and seconded from the floor.
5) Approval of Accounts for ye 31 March 2021 – Proposed and seconded from the floor – no questions.
6) Appointment of Reporting Accountants for 2021-2022 – Proposed and seconded from the floor.
7) Proposed Rule change Resolution – One question from the floor regarding dormant bank accounts and the proposed change to Rule 3(vi). The Chairman explained that any write-off process was not automatic and that no stone would be left unturned in terms of contacting an apparently lapsed member before taking such action. The Resolution was overwhelmingly approved via a show of hands.
8) Any other business – The Chairman thanked the members for their forbearance during the pandemic, Allens, Hadfields, and the Company Secretary for their efforts during the year and Linda, Hannah, and James for managing today’s arrangements so well, and Castle Rock for its continued sponsorship of the lunch and meeting.
Nick Metcalfe, Company Secretary, 31 August 2021