This meeting was held at Castle Rock, Nottingham on Wednesday 29 November 2023. Apologies were received from John Westlake and Chris Holmes. Also present were Mike Sangster (Allens) and Nick Metcalfe (Co. Sec.).
Minutes of the previous meeting were approved. Previous Action Points were largely completed with a couple carried forward.
Since the previous meeting, the purchase of a further 500 Hop Back shares had been completed and a share certificate from Twickenham Fine Ales had been received. Other developments included the completion of the takeover United Malt, a bid for Restaurant Group, and an agreed takeover of City Pub Group by Young’s. An attempt by the club to purchase additional shares in Holts had been unsuccessful, as no shares were available.
Several routine matters of administration were discussed and dealt with, including plans for future adverts in CAMRA’s ‘Beer’ publication and arrangements for year end meetings with the club’s brokers.
Member and non-member correspondence was discussed, resulting in a plan to add further information to the ‘FAQ’ section of the club’s website.
Work is being undertaken on possible future brewery trips, but opportunities currently appear limited.
It was reported that Simon Theakston has accepted the invitation to be guest speaker at the 2024 Club AGM.
The committee discussed and noted recent corporate updates from investee companies, and the dates of future investee companies AGM’s, with plans for a representative to attend where possible.
After full and frank discussion, a decision was taken to invest a total of £140K across 6 existing investees.