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Committee Meeting

5 June 2024

This meeting was held at The Victoria, Beeston, Nottingham. Apologies were received from three Committee members.

The secretary reported on matters communicated to members of the committee since the last meeting.

Administration: accounts and statistics for the month ended May 31st had been circulated. The committee considered that the fund’s accounts were satisfactory.

Members’ feedback: a query had been received regarding the Club’s lack of an investment in Diageo. The member has been advised that Diageo shares are held via the Club holding in Caledonian.

Brewery Trips to Liberation, Greene King, Butcombe, and Nethergate have been confirmed.

The Club AGM at The Victoria: arrangements have been completed and to date 70 members plus Committee are expected to attend.

Committee members reported on Investee Companies and AGMs attended.

Any Other Business: the current press activity regarding the Marston’s divestment of its CMBC holding is being monitored.