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Committee Meeting

7 June 2023

This meeting was held at The Victoria, Beeston, on Wednesday, 7 June 2023. Apologies were received from Ann Mace, Chris Holmes, Dave Goodwin, and Iain Loe. Also present were Mike Sangster and Paul Horrocks (Allens), and Nick Metcalfe (Co. Sec.).

Following short discussion, the minutes of the previous meeting were approved and Action Points signed off.

Various admin matters dealt with, including agreement to obtain a quote for refreshing the BEER ad.

Disappointment expressed that the guest speaker for the imminent AGM had let the Committee down at very short notice, but thanks be to Colin Wilde for agreeing to step in at the eleventh hour. It was noted that no new Committee nominations had been received by the appointed due date.

Considerable time was expended on more recent developments at Black Sheep Brewery – Teneo had now been appointed Administrator and the company’s trade and assets sold more or less immediately thereafter to a venture capital outfit, with no prospect of any pay-out to most creditors, and none whatsoever to ordinary shareholders.

With only a nominal amount available to invest (beyond the usual buffer, that is), it was agreed to invest £40K in total pari-passu among 8 existing investees.

An AOB item of note – has CMIC now run its natural course and should accumulated funds be distributed and the entity dissolved? – an item for the next meeting…