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Committee Meeting

6 August 2022

This meeting was held at the Tollhouse, Lancaster (Thwaites), on Saturday, 6 August 2022. Apologies were received from Dave Goodwin, Chris Excell, John Westlake, Ian Brindley, and Iain Loe. Also present were Paul Horrocks (Allens) and Nick Metcalfe (Co. Sec).

Minutes of the previous meeting were approved in full and Action Points agreed as having been substantively dealt with.

Five new Wadworth share auction notifications had been advised by brokers since the previous meeting, all of which had been declined. However, some additional Holt’s shares had been acquired; an additional, nominal investment in Bedlam had been made and the Club’s purchase of a small number of shares in Twickenham Fine Ales, from a deceased member’s estate, looked set to go through. The recent McMullen share buyback proposal was also debated.

Admin matters discussed included movement in member numbers (the recent What’s Brewing/Beer ad has already resulted in some new joiners) and the recent replacement of the Club’s web administrator.

Even though numbers were down on the day, the Committee felt the recent AGM had been successful and well received – the guest speaker had exceeded expectations, there had been an enhanced level of engagement from members, the catering and venue had once again proven first class, etc.

Three substantive points arose:- a) members are clearly supportive of the Committee’s existing stance on (restrained) investment into a smattering of smaller players in the industry; b) the Club should not invest in a pub(s) to operate for its own account; c) a possible membership relaxation received support and must be explored in further detail by the full Committee.

Several items of member feedback were reported, and responses noted.

The 2022 brewery trips programme was reviewed – although the numbers participating are down, member feedback is still positive. Some suggestions were made for 2023 visits.

Little to report this time around on general investee activity and, following the usual round-the-table, agreement was reached to invest £110K total into eight existing investees.

JNH was proposed and seconded as Chair for the year now in progress and the guest speaker for the 2023 AGM can now be confirmed to the members via the website.